Over 55's

Over 55's

Being unable to work or do the things you enjoy because of pain and injury can be traumatic, and could have a substantial effect on your income and/or wellbeing. We want to help you be comfortable, and if injured, help you return to your normal daily tasks quickly, and safely. We have a vast amount of experience working with over 55’s and have a huge success rate in identifying, treating and maintaining issues that were once thought ‘untreatable’ (look at our reviews!). Our team of highly qualified therapists take the time to understand your specific routine and the demands of your current lifestyle, to come up with a suitable treatment and homecare programme that will fit around you and give you the freedom to enjoy the things you love!

What we will do…

We will take a full history to establish what stresses and strains or past injuries you may have had to identify any relevant correlation. We will discuss your current lifestyle with you and pinpoint any specific movements and stresses that may be contributing to your injury/discomforts. Special tests will rule out any structural issues including muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Any abnormalities will be addressed with a combination of treatments using various modalities such as clinical massage, electrotherapy, assisted stretching, dry needling etc; your session will be based on the outcome of your assessment, so each patient is treated individually. A strengthening programme will also be prescribed, which you can comfortably integrate into your lifestyle. Our aim is to educate you on the condition that is presenting in your symptoms and give you a clear insight into how you may have sustained your injury/issue plus, valuable information on how to avoid it happening again. This knowledge is a powerful tool bringing you more body awareness, allowing you to identify your weaker areas and work on them.

We have helped many 50+ year olds become more active and mobile, living free from painkillers and keeping them away from injury. Call us today to see how we can help you!
Sports Therapy 4U Ltd
Injury Rehabilitation Clinic

23 Whitehorse Street, Baldock,
Hertfordshire SG7 6QB

07521 150 102
